

KU has transitioned from ServiceNow to TeamDynamix (TDX), a web-based platform that provides service and project management capabilities. Campus units/departments use TeamDynamix for customer support management (e.g., help desk ticketing), knowledge base, and other services.

Units/departments that are interested in adopting TDX can contact KU IT at or 785-864-8080.

Sign In to Service Portal

Start by going to, which is the landing page for all the TDX service portals. Select the sign in button at the top-right next to the search field and use your KU credentials to log in. Your name will replace the sign in button once you are logged in.

Switch Portals

Each campus unit/department that has adopted TDX will have their own portal. To access these service portals, select your name and navigate to Switch Portal to choose the area of your inquiry. For KU IT, select IT Client Portal.
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How to Find What You Need

Search Bar

You may use specific keywords in the search bar on the homepage. If using the search bar on the Services or Knowledge Base page, you may also add a service category to narrow your search. 

Knowledge Base

A comprehensive online database of technology guidance, answers, step-by-step instructions and other support information to help answer technology questions or solve technology issues. Information includes instructions for common computer and mobile device set-up and configuration, including connecting to KU systems and resources.

The Knowledge Base is continually updated by the KU IT Customer Service Center with new information based on support requests it receives from students, faculty and staff.

Browse by category or use keywords to search for information in the Knowledge Base.
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Service Catalog

The service catalog is a menu of all the services and their respective service offerings, such as products and assistance provided by KU IT. Each service offering has a description, tags, a list of knowledge base articles, and relevant attachments, if applicable. You may also use Services A-Z to find service offerings. [see below]

To use the service catalog, select Services in the top menu. Select a service to find the service offerings.  Each service offering may come with a unique request form related to the service to request assistance.
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This request submission creates a ticket that will be sent to the relevant staff person to assist you. You may view all of your submissions by going to My Tickets found in the links at the bottom of the homepage.

Services A-Z

A listing of service offerings in alphabetical order. Go to Services in the menu, select Services A-Z.
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Each service offering may come with a unique request form related to the service to request assistance.
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My Tickets

The My Tickets button is located near the bottom of the homepage. From here you can view progress and manage your submitted tickets.

Service Menu Options in My Tickets page

There are other menu items you can find under services:

My Favorites

You can add key services to My Favorites you want to find easily. You’ll find the favorite button on the right side on a service page. The My Favorites link in the menu at the top will take you to all your favorite services. 
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My Approvals

Although there are no approvals in the IT Client workflow, you can access pending approvals you might have in any of the other TDX portals, if applicable. 

Services A-Z

A listing of services in alphabetical order.

Submit a Help Ticket

There are a few ways you can submit a request for assistance: tickets, email, request service form, and phone call. 

Submit a Ticket

To submit a general ticket for assistance, go to the buttons at the bottom of the homepage.
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I Need Help! 

This will open a general ticket that is submitted to the Customer Service Center (CSC). The ticket will be evaluated, then routed to the appropriate tech support staff to assist you for a variety of issues or inquiries. 

Faculty & Staff Technology Help 

This will open a ticket specifically for the Technology Support Center (TSC) staff assigned to your department to assist you with technical issues. 

Another way to submit a request is if you know which service you are requesting:

  1. Select Services in the top menu
  2. Select the service category, then select the specific service
  3. Select the Request Service button to the right of the page.
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This will open a form for you to complete your request.


You can submit a ticket to request assistance by selecting email IT CSC (Customer Service Center) button on the homepage.
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This option will send your request via Outlook email message, which is monitored and routed to the appropriate tech support staff to assist you. 

Phone Call

You can contact the IT Customer Service Center (CSC) by selecting the call button link at the bottom of the homepage or call 785-864-8080. The operator will create a ticket for you that will be routed to the appropriate tech support staff to assist you.

Once you submit using any of the methods above, you will receive an email confirmation of your submission and can find all of your ticket submissions by going to My Tickets button on the homepage.
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