Video Conferencing Recommendations

Comparison Chart

Chart comparing Teams Meetings and Zoom features
Recommended for
  • Chat in your Team or with anyone at KU
  • Meetings with KU colleagues
  • Academic classes
  • Zoom allows for meeting recordings to publish straight to Kaltura (MediaHub). This makes an easy segue to embed recorded videos to your Canvas course.
  • Meetings with external attendees
  • Polycom conference rooms
Required download


Most meeting features can be used through the browser application of Teams. However, for full features including screen sharing, the desktop app must be installed and used.


Some Zoom meeting features can be used through the browser. However, for full features including screen sharing, the desktop app must be installed and used.

Works on these browsersMS Edge or ChromeMS Edge, Safari, Firefox, or Chrome
Can schedule through Outlook


To schedule through Outlook, you must first install the desktop app. Meetings created in Outlook are not tied to a specific created Team.


To schedule through Outlook, you must first install the desktop app.

Can record


Recordings do not automatically store in Kaltura. Recordings are stored in Teams for 20 days.


Recordings can be set to automatically record to the cloud and be stored in Kaltura.

Number of participants


10,000 people can be added to a Team. However, 300 is recommended as the meeting attendance cap.

Phone bridge availableComing soon!Yes
Non-KU attendees can join usingDesktop app, mobile app, or through MS Edge or ChromeDesktop app, mobile app, phone bridge
KU faculty, staff, and students join usingDesktop app, mobile app, or through MS Edge or ChromeDesktop app, mobile app, phone bridge, Polycom
Students can create meetings with full  featuresYesNo
More informationMicrosoft TeamsZoom Information

Office365 Admins


Media Production Studios